Countdown finished!
A single energy-physics equation applied for the 1st time in financial economics lets us produce instant equity value for our members.
₹155 Lakh of equity value on just ₹96 per day!
The average reformatted India public company's MCap will be $8+ billion (₹65,250+ Crore) in 89 days. Can be as high as $229 billion or ₹17.1 Lakh Crore!
Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Project Managers, and MBA/BCom graduates are forming peer-to-peer online teams right now behind our "ORG" firewall.
We will set our countdown clock to 89 days as soon as we have a critical mass of peer-to-peer teams. All team members are armed with our Financial Model to "hit the bricks running!" When we launch, these teams will help publicly-listed companies (PLCs) in India and the world reformat their capital structures. The need for reformatting will be visibly evident to all 78,000+ PLCs worldwide.
We are sure of what will happen because Professor Paul Katching has done over 40 years of research. Scroll down to read the abstract of his most recent Financial Economics paper in which he solves the Equity Premium Puzzle. In 89 days after we restart our countdown clock, expect your returns to be higher than the average.
We know that equity is at least 10,000 times more powerful than debt. Learn more about this from the abstract below.
Our Financial Model uses, for the first time ever, an energy-physics equation and a science-based budget structure called the Solar Cycle Budget™.
We are using the Skills 31 Teams® format for our teams. An Org913-T-MBA® ("ORG") account for each team member enables the members to coordinate with each other.
This proof goes up against an academic mindset which suppresses the virtues of Equity, intentionally or unintentionally.
Extensive academic studies of a century of "risk equity stocks" versus the "guaranteed safe treasuries, bonds and bank deposits" have systemically underreported a six percentage point (6%) average difference between these two sets of economic data. It should be more than 6%.
Furthermore, this 6% Equity Premium of a diversified set of U.S. equities over U.S. treasuries over 100+ years is inexplicable, until now. Everyone knows how Debt is produced from credit. But, with the rare exception of a few academics, most do not know how Equity is produced to demystify this puzzle of the 6% Equity Premium. Solving this “Equity Premium Puzzle” requires a courageous mastery of exactly how Equity is produced by a straightforward division operation where the denominator is a fraction. For example, dividing $1 by 0.01 produces $100.
There is a special power relationship between Equity Yields and Debt Yields. This relationship rests on the scientific fundamentals of the "First Law of the Conservation of Energy" (Julius Robert von Mayer, 1814 — 1878) and the "mass energy formulas"
M=E÷C^2 and
E=MC^2 (Albert Einstein,1879 — 1955) which describe this “One Energy”. The “Equity Premium Puzzle” is now solvable with science and the mastery of Equity.
Economic data from 2,000 global publicly-listed companies in India, the United States of America, and Ghana was used in this investigator’s study of the "Equity Premium Puzzle". It is now known that publicly-listed companies in India are undervalued by over $39 Trillion. Furthermore, the world is undervalued by over $400 Trillion.
Katching’s Equity>Debt Law is applied in Tables and Graphs to illustrate the vast power of Equity over Debt. This investigator argues for a deployment of Equity in addressing tough problems such as poverty and wealth inequality. Sadly, such problems persist in society after decades of tackling them with Debt. Deploying Equity requires an honest reevaluation of our understanding of Capitalism. The consumer’s participation in a “pure, ubiquitous Capitalism” will instantly produce Equity premiums much much higher than the observed 6% Equity Premium.
India is undervalued by over $39 Trillion
and the World by over $400 Trillion
International Journal of Business
Management and Research
ISSN: 2249-2143
Dr. Paul Douglas Katching
Professor-Eminence of Applied Sciences
Physics Dept. at Desh Bhagat University
The cover picture-graph depicts a range of Equity-Return-to-Debt-Return ratios across 100 different rates, decreasing from 1.0% to a very very small number. 10,000-to-1 is the Equity-to-Debt ratio for a 1.0% Dividend Yield Rate and a 1.0% Interest Rate. As these rates get smaller, Equity’s power over Debt grows bigger. With scientific facts, THE EQUITY PREMIUM PROBLEM IS DEFINITIVELY SOLVED.