Food Security

100% Organic Vegetarian Food

Environmentally sustainable long-term production

More jobs & wealth creation

Great for your health

13,981 locations across India

1st prototype on the DBU campus

Locations per State/UT 13,981 Total
Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra 2,373 1,288
Bihar 1,190
West Bengal Madhya Padesh 1,047 832
Tamil Nadu 827
Rajasthan 786
Kamataka 701
Gujarat 692
Andhra Pradesh Odisha 566 481
Telangana 404
Kerala 383
Jharkhand 378
Assam 357
Punjab 317
Chattisgarh 293
Haryana 291
Delhi 218
Jammu and Kashmir Uttarakhand 144 116
Himachal Pradesh 79
Tripura 42
Meghalaya 34
Manipur 31
Nagaland 23
Goa 17
Arunachal Pradesh Puducherry 16 14
Mizoram 13
Chandigarh 12
Sikkim 7
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Dadra & Nagar Navali 4 4
Daman and Diu Lakshadweep 3 1

Global Food Security means easy 24/7 access to healthy vegetarian food for everyone!

Our Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital Standard meets the logistical challenge.

 Our short-term goals (in one to five years) are to set up 13,981 restaurant locations in India, 13,981 locations in the USA, and 13,981 locations in Ghana.  We have an equity-based financial breakthrough that causes the critical funding for regenerative medicine solutions to come out of 235 global universities.  Our plan applies this same breakthrough to fund the setting up of 41,943 Veggie Green Express restaurant locations in these three countries.  The 13,981 locations in India will create 83,886 jobs with Rs. 3 to 5 Lakh in stock options. 

Over 300 million people in India constitute the largest vegetarian market in the world.  The growth potential of a vegetarian chain in Ghana is huge because of its stimulus of new public companies on the agriculture, nutritional health, water, energy, and educational sectors of the Ghanaian economy.  Global consumption of organic vegetarian food is estimated to increase, especially in the USA, for the reasons of health and environmental sustainability.
The growth of vegetarian food consumption will be huge because it will be based on the Shiitake Mushroom as a new food staple.  People eat meat because they need essential amino acids.  The body creates proteins from these amino acids.  What we have found now is what the Japanese have known for centuries: shiitake mushrooms are an excellent meat substitute.  The nutrients in shiitake mushrooms include the 9 essential amino acids, over 50 enzymes, several minerals and vitamins A, B12, C, and D.  The shiitake mushroom has been licensed as an anti-cancer drug by the Japanese FDA.  Various medicinal properties are associated with shiitakes. 

With teams of middle management professionals organized into the Org913-T-MBA® structure, they have a powerful tool to manage the logistics of a large network of restaurant locations.  These locations must be connected to the producers of locally-grown organic vegetables, Shiitake mushrooms, and oyster mushrooms.  A supply chain of various service providers, manufacturers, and contractors get absorbed into our Org913® team structure.  The Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital Standard plays an absolutely essential role in this enterprise of health promotion and wealth creation.
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