Economics & Finance

"Value begins and ends with the Customer"

Automatic Savings

Our Digital Skills Pay® is designed to deliver payments, receivables and dividends into members' Demat accounts.

Home Ownership

Our LoTeLEO® "one-click" mortgage is designed to deliver 31% faster equity to our members than existing mortgages.

Equity Sharing

Our Skills 31 Teams® enable more transparent and more efficient operations in the PLCs owned by all our members.

Pure Ubiquitous Capitalism

For the first time in the history of economics and finance, the operation of Pure Capitalism inside a "free private enterprise" environment is defined and predicted exactly.  Pure Capitalism includes the customer because, according to our Polymath, "Value ALWAYS begins and ends with the customer."  It has five pillars, starting with the purpose of the publicly-listed company (PLC). 

Five Pillars of Pure Capitalism

1.  The Purpose of the Publicly-Listed Company (PLC)

The purpose of the Publicly-Listed Company (PLC) is to maximize the production of equity value from its inception.

2.  Katching's 1st Law of the PLC

3.  Katching's 2nd Law of the PLC

4.  Katching's Equity > Debt Law

5.  4 Sections and 22 Variables™ of the PLC

This new PLC format has a science-based budget and an equity value production model.

Two New Math Operators

New PLC beneficiaries of New Math

Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is not enough to solve tough problems in math, economics, and science problems such as P=NP, the Equity Premium Puzzle, the Dividend Puzzle, and Protein Folding.  Our Polymath uses two unpublished mathematical operators to solve problems in these areas.  

The first beneficiaries of these two "Zero-Knowledge Proof" math operators will come from the "capital structure" redesign of new PLCs, causing new trillion-dollar market values.

Equity-Sharing Mobile App

Connecting members to a new PLC

An Android/iOS mobile application enables 100% of the global labor units to be dynamically engaged in Pure Capitalism, causing 7 instant billionaires and 24 multi-millionaires who are preselected and organized into a team.  The purpose of this team is to monitor the first of a new type of "self-driven" publicly-listed company (PLC).

Using exact financial engineering during an 89-day time frame, an $822 billion value is unleashed by the first "self-driven" PLC, based on all applicable Securities Laws and GAAP Rules.

The consumer's participation in a "pure, ubiquitous Capitalism" will instantly produce Equity premiums much much higher than the observed 6% Equity Premium.

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Hands-on Practical Training


Financial Literacy

89 days

For Team Leaders,

Chartered Accountants,

and Entrepreneurs.

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