3D Math Secrets® presents Three-Dimensional Mathematics, our polymath's new math, along with two unpublished math operators and 3D Math applications in math and science.
The operational costs of these new publicly-listed companies will be at rock bottom minimums and debt is no longer necessary for these new trillion-dollar companies.
The Cosmological and Quantum Physics Basis for using Equity to drive Debt, Unemployment, and Inflation out of existence!
Dr. Paul Douglas Katching
A basket of new mathematical tools is urgently needed to enable mathematicians, scientists and engineers with deeper insights.
Each member's spending cash-flow earns Value for the member's wallet and the sum of 649 Earned Values becomes his or her Equity Score®.
In pure energy-physics there is no Debt, only
Positive Value produced by interactions among
49!/6! members in a closed ecosystem.
That's (49*48*47*46*45*44) divided by (6*5*4*3*2*1)
49!/6! is our Polymath's shorthand for this long formula. His research in mathematics and Advanced Number Theory has shown that this number is connected to the Perfect Number 496 which is equal to 31 times (1+31) divided by 2.
A "Trade Secret" Financial Platform plus the Org913® constitute the "ORGANIZING STRUCTURE" that maximizes the Value for 49!/6! members, i.e. 13,983,816 members.
Our Polymath's P=NP Proof
Applying a New Math
Professor Katching has applied 3D Mathematics to prove that very difficult "NP-class" problems such as factoring can be solved as quickly as easier "P-class" problems such as multiplication. This intersection of NP-class problems with P-class problems is expressed as P=NP. Difficult problems in science, medicine, business, and technology are now solvable.
649 is a Special Number
Discovered during R&D period
When the Market Capitalization (MCap) of exactly 649 publicly-listed companies (PLCs) all domiciled in a single country are summed and matched with exactly 13,983,816 guaranteed cash-payring customers, the 649 PLCs can expect an average of a 200% to 354% increase in their MCap in a predictable period of time.
This combination of Financial Platform and Org913® is a first for Pure Capitalism.
Pure Capitalism is based on the current accounting and legal framework of the United States of America. The Value it produces is called the member's EQUITY SCORE®. It solves a host of issues such as income & wealth inequality, universal health care, unemployment and housing.
Using 400!/100! to Prove P=NP
in 5,151 Polynomial Steps
USA Library of Congress
Registration# TXu002112081
Dr. Paul Douglas Katching
Professor-Eminence of Applied Sciences
Physics Dept. at Desh Bhagat University